Just Before The Miracle

A Miracle is an extraordinary and welcome event not explicable by natural or scientific laws, hence attributable to divine agency. For example, a gift of KES 100,000 dish out is a miracle to some people but not to others. At a personal level, the event is actually sought after; intended to secure survival or alleviate an overly uncomfortable situation. A miracle requires three components:

  1. Heightened faith [Lk 8:43-48 (Woman with the issue of blood), Acts 16:25-26 (Paul & Silas saved from prison), Acts 10:1(Cornelius the gentile centurion)]
  2. Obedience [contrast Gen 17:17 with Gen 17:23(Abraham’s circumcision), Lk 5:5 (Simon’s unsuccessful fishing), 2Kings 5:13-14 (Naaman gets healed), Lk 17:11-19 (Ten lepers healed), Ex 14:4 (Moses divides the sea)]
  3. Personalized acts: the individual believes and obeys

The children of Israel were to be saved for life (throughout life).
Naaman’s healing was one-off. After the miraculous healing, he needed not to obey or have faith, just like the woman with the issue of blood unless, for future illness.

Abraham’s covenant was for life. He needed to witness his descendants come into existence. He, therefore, needed to continuously believe in God.

Similarly, we also need to possess a stimulus that aids continuous faith in God. The covenant of everlasting life is the highest of all covenants. Abraham our father of faith was promised descendants whose number is the stars in the sky.

But faith and obedience are required to make the promises come to pass. YET, OBEDIENCE MEANS CARRYING OUT EXPRESS INSTRUCTIONS which were given by God personally or through an angel in the old testament and through the written word of God in our dispensation (John 1:1).
“..so that whosoever believes in him shall not perish…”

Everlasting life does not begin after death;

Everlasting life is not just the avoidance of hell;

Everlasting life is not just sin forgiven life;

Everlasting life is the existence of a close, personal intimate relationship with God through Jesus Christ;

This status of relationship will not require intermittent obedience for a miracle at certain times; the believer will live a victorious life both in both good & bad times.

This status of relationship will not require intermittent obedience for a miracle at certain times; the believer will live a victorious life both in both good & bad times. (cf. Hosea’s adulterous wife)

We have been betrothed by Jesus Christ (2nd Corinthians 11:2)
A bride ready for marriage has no business with possessions by the groom but just to get married in anticipation to be happily married ever after; not being faithful just before the miracle/wedding happens.