Category Archives: Bible

Your heart is where your time and money are!

Here’s how you know what’s really important to someone: Look at their calendar and look at their bank statement. The way you spend your time and money shows what’s really important to you. You can say, “This is really important to me.” But what you say in this case doesn’t really matter. If you don’t spend time on it and you don’t spend money on it, then your heart isn’t really there.

A Biblical perspective on tithing

Giving of tithe and offering

All that a Christian is, and all that may come to him is a gift from God and belongs to his Lord. God has a working method of raising money to carry His work, and that method is “tithing”. When people follow the Lord’s method of tithing, church leaders are freed from preoccupation with money-raising problems for more spiritual pursuits. God’s plan and purpose for the church is “Soul Winning,” not raising money. God has ordained no other way for providing of the evangelizing of the world and maintaining of His Church, other than by tithing and offerings.