Can we Christians grow weary?


“Once again there was a battle between the Philistines and Israel. David went down with his men to fight against the Philistines, and he became exhausted…” 2nd Samuel 21:15

There is a common myth that is passed around: That God only helps those who help themselves. Does He?

In Hosea 14:1-3 [GNB] it is written:

Return to the Lord your God, people of Israel. Your sin has made you stumble and fall. Return to the Lord, and let this prayer be your offering to him: “Forgive all our sins and accept our prayer, and we will praise you as we have promised. Assyria can never save us, and war horses cannot protect us. We will never again say to our idols that they are our God. O Lord, you show mercy to those who have no one else to turn to.

This passage tells us that the strength of man is not enough. It cannot save him. Only the power of God can and He comes to the rescue of those who depend on Him. Not those who ‘help themselves first’!

Friends, we have to remember that the rest for our Christian sojourn is in God’s paradise: Heaven. The ultimate salvation is when we get eternity with God.
2 Tim 4:18
And the Lord will rescue me from all evil and take me safely into his heavenly Kingdom. To him be the glory forever and ever! Amen.

Therefore, whenever you feel exhausted, it is time to redouble your efforts! ~ By Bro. Ken Karanja

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